TLDR Answer: Our canna products are the best because of our process, our partners, our commitment to quality, safety, and transparency, and, of course, all our cannabevs are made with Lake Superior water!
Our ▲9 hemp emulsion is specifically produced for us and is water-soluble, making it fast-acting. Most folks start feeling the calming, social, and giggly effects about 20 to 30 minutes after drinking a sparkly cannabev or snacking on a gummy.
100% MN sourced from farm to you! Our federally legal, full spectrum, hemp-derived ▲9 cannabis is Minnesota small farmer grown mostly by our best farmer friends at Finnegan's Farm near Two Harbors, MN, about a half hour up the shore from the brewery! Then, the hemp becomes our proprietary, water-soluble emulsion via a clean, mechanical extraction process via our primary partner, Superior Molecular, in White Bear Lake, MN. Plus, they produce our tasty gummies from the same hemp base!
We've done the homework and only produce our canna products in a safe, effective, and transparently tested process. Never synthetic, full-spectrum, ▲9 goodness from start to finish.
10% of the world's fresh surface water is found in Lake Superior. 100% of our beverages are made from that glorious and delicious water.